Born 16 September 2011!

We are pleased to ann0unce the arrival of our Kane and Jade litter! Jade had 7 puppies, a perfect size litter of 5 girls and 2 boys = )
Named in honor of the chaos of nursing school!
Meet the babies...
(listed in birth order)
#1 - boy "CODE BLUE" aka CODY

#2 - girl "TBI" aka TIBBI

#3 - girl "N-CLEX" aka LEXI

#4 - girl "IV" aka IVY

#5 - boy "OVERDOSE" aka OD

#6 - girl "ICU" aka CARA

#7 - girl "HAZMAT" aka MATTIE

Sire: UKC CCH CH NKC CH 'PR' Anlon's Natural Disaster

28 March 2011: Best in Multi-Breed Show
Kane has been lightly shown, finishing to NKC CH and UKC CH in 2010. He then went on to finish to UKC CCH in one weekend during 2011. He has the following UKC wins to his credit:
RQE BMOS Thurs at National Redbone Days 2010
BMOS Fri at National Redbone Days 2010
CH Male Sat Kentucky State 2010
BIMBS at CCDTC spring AB Show
Dam: UKC GRCH 'PR' Firebrand's Redhot Jade

Jade is a dual purpose girl. She is a wonderful mother and has the most pleasing temperment I have ever seen in a hound. Chris has hunted Jade, who can run and tree her own coon.
Jade has a couple wins that I am aware of:
Autumn Oaks 2007 Junior Female Redbone
National Redbone Days 2007 Queen of Show